Sunday, 3 August 2014

Thursday, 29 May 2014


The idea of comfort is the main focus for this piece of work.

The piece consists of second hand blankets being hung on a washing line. After asking people in Peckham Rye where they feel safe, I decided to hand sew their responses onto these blankets.  These responses are spelt backwards but the letters the correct way round.  Along side the blankets myself and an assistant will be dressed in mental health nursing tunics, holding mirrors to demonstrate how the blankets can not be read properly even when looking through a mirror. The tunics will have care and Carer hand sewn into them, spelt the right way round and backwards in a way that can be read through a mirror.

After looking at the mission of The Three C’s and other mental health charities like them it cannot be disputed the great work these organizations do for people, but despite their great results I cannot help but feel that the spaces in which they are situated are so institutionalized that they contradict their intentions.  These buildings are meant to be safe, warm and welcoming but in some cases they lack this feeling and appear more like a doctors surgery than a place of comfort.

The purpose of the building contradicts the atmosphere that is created which is why I have decided to spell the words backwards onto the blankets but the letters are the correct way round so, if the viewer were to put the blankets in front of a mirror they would still find the sentences difficult to read, unlike the tunics that can be read.

These will be hung on a washing line, between two trees outside Peckham Platform. 
If your in the area then please do come along to the show 

Friday 30th May 2014 



Time to get to WORK!!!!

For the Peckham Platform exhibition I have decided to make comfort blankets in response to the Three C's  charity that helps people with mental health conditions and the community of Peckham Rye.

Peckham Platform

A group of fellow students and myself have been working with Peckham Platform and the Three C's  

we are taking part in an event on Friday 30th May 2014 6:00-9:00pm 

If your in the area and fancy seeing what us art students get up too the come a long and see for yourself, there is to be installation, performance, sculpture and some very interesting working machiens on display  

A Presence In An Empty Space.

Using the filters I made but removing myself from the images I decided to bring the the images back into the wendy house to create collaged images/photographs. 

a presence in an empty space.

Comfort Filters

when I was looking at my video stills and thought it would be interesting to cut myself of the images and looked at the negative space that is left behind. 

its all a bit of fun really, just experimenting with bits of card and seeing where the camera takes me  

I filled in the gaps with selctape and used the cards as a make shift camera filter. 
these are the results….not sure how I feel about these style of images but it was good fun making them. 

The Comfort of Sleep

I have been working on a video.

I climbed into the tiny tiny wendy house and tried very hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.

I wanted to explore my existence in the tiny space and get a greater understanding of being comfortable in an uncomfortable space.

The intention of the video was to make the view feel uncomfortable while watching. there is something quite intimate about watching someone sleep and the fact that the video is filmed on just one camera give the impression that I am being observed like an animal in a cage.

I can't get the video to upload so here is a link ^^

I'll look forward to reading what you think of it

                                          Stills from the video:

Its Time to Decorate!!!

My Little Wendy House

I have been currently looking at the idea of comfort…yet again 

I have been hunting around the internet and finally got my hands on a wendy house. I don't know about you guys but I had one of these when I was a little girl and I loved it, come rain or shine I could be found in my wendy house playing 'lunch' with my teddies and dolls. 

the idea of escaping to a safe place is something I want to explore with this object. 

I want to decorate it. 

I want to sleep in it. 

I want to leave it in an open space and see how the world reacts to its presence.